Senior Manager & Advisor

Strategic Account Development

Evolve from random meetings and opportunistic pitching to purposeful and lasting business relationships

Strategic account development goes beyond routine meetings or occasional sales interactions. With strategic account development you strive for the long-term success. It requires a vision and a plan in mind with the skill and discipline to follow it.

Your vision together with an actionable plan guides the focus and the selection of engagements, activities and resources over time. Done properly it guides you to the right stakeholders with the right messages based on deep understanding of your customers' challenges and goals.

A continuous journey of well prepared engagements, true interest and a genuine intention to provide value will result in stronger bonds, new prospects and higher success rates.

My role is to help you shape, implement and execute the strategic plan for your account development based on your unique value proposition and goals.

This involves:

Status Quo

To set a baseline and emphasize your best practices we review your offerings and objectives, current sales approach and communication, current relationship network and ongoing interactions, references, successes, failures and lessons learned 

Business Strategy

We set an outline of your account strategy aligned to your mission and your key offerings and target customers. Short-, mid-, long-term objectives and KPIs set on a timeline with realistic interim goals give orientation and control for the journey

Value Proposition

We deeply investigate your target customer personas and their needs and crystallize the real value contributors of your offerings for the different customers. This clear understanding leads to a relevant communication and presentation of your offering and meaningful interactions.

Strategic Account Development Plan

We dive deep into your specific customer to identify the actual stakeholders and their needs and priorities. We determine your competitive positioning at your customer. Connecting the dots between you, your offering and your customer we build a concrete action plan to level you up in the eyes of the customer


While executing the plan we focus on an effective outreach to your stakeholders and meetings with mutual value. Each engagement, if personally, digital or remote will be well planned and prepared, and resulting follow-ups will be thoroughly fulfilled. Your plan will become a living thing that will evolve with each interaction.

